Navigating Logo Design: Crafting the Identity for My Cologne Bottle

Last week, I let DALL·E 2 take a shot at creating my cologne bottle for my AI commercial. The attempt, unfortunately, ended in a bit of a failure, as none of the generated fragrance bottles perfectly aligned with my envisioned design. As I eagerly anticipate the creative output of Runway's video generator for my upcoming scene generation this upcoming week, I decided to dedicate time this week to craft the logo for my fragrance. I am contemplating whether to add text to the end of the film or solely focus on the fragrance bottle itself, so hopefully that will be settled once I test a few different layouts out. 

Inodore, a fragrance I've envisioned as a creation by the brand Dior, has a distinctive font that matches the brand’s signature logo. This specific journey begins with the AI logo application LOGO, a tool that has proven successful for me in the past. Admittedly, attempting to replicate a real brand's logo added a layer of challenge, and my expectations were cautiously set. As I scrolled through the font options in the tool, I stumbled upon one that bore a resemblance to Dior's font – "Crimson Text."

Dior's Logo

Crimson Text Font

Despite the similarity, a side-by-side comparison revealed a noticeable difference that bothered me. Determined to achieve authenticity, I set out to find the actual font used by Dior. Thankfully, the search was uncomplicated, and I discovered a font identical to Dior's called "OPTINaval" for free download on Dafont Free. This allowed me to download and integrate the font seamlessly into DaVinci Resolve, offering the flexibility to manipulate the text as individual "titles" within my editing program. This was a wonderful discovery for this specific endeavor, as a transparent background logo has editing limitations and Dior doesn’t use any symbols, so an entire logo was unnecessary. 

Inspired by Dior Sauvage’s commercial, I opted for a dark and mysterious bottle for this test, emphasizing simplicity by placing only the fragrance name and brand on the bottle.

Dior Sauvage

Dior Inodore

While the text appeared too light in the middle with this specific image, the font on the packaging remains a viable option for the final video.

Taking inspiration from Dior HOMME Sport, I explored an alternative by putting the logo on the cap of the fragrance bottle and including the fragrance and brand name beside the bottle.

Dior HOMME Sport

Dior Inodore

While it might be visually appealing when spread out in a landscape in the final video, the proximity to the bottle made it seem somewhat repetitive.

Intrigued by the slogan beneath the fragrance and brand name in Dior HOMME Sport, I went back to the Sauvage logo placement and experimented with incorporating my own slogan. "I'm your man" is notably shorter than "Embody the undetectable allure," so I stacked the text to condense my slogan. 

In my opinion, the slogan looks too lengthy when below the brand fragrance and name, so I shortened the slogan to “The undetectable allure,” and adjusted its size to a more fitting scale.

This version stands as a potential choice for the final video, although the decision to include it will depend on the overall aesthetic.

Testing the branding on a different bottle, I adopted a simpler approach without a slogan, relocating the brand and fragrance name to the left.

While the fragrance bottle image may not be perfect with its tilted cap and square sticker, the layout exudes a pleasing aesthetic that could suit the final commercial well.

Experimenting with the positioning of logos on the fragrance bottle and the layout for the final slide of the commercial provided valuable insights. After studying Dior's typical layout tactics for fragrance reveals, I now have several options aligning with their brand for my fragrance commercial – the challenge lies in determining the most visually appealing as the video takes shape. I eagerly anticipate the realization of this commercial; by the end of next week, I anticipate having a completed and polished commercial!


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